I've actually had the same sort of deck (T.G. Stun + Photon Stun) for a long while now, so if you want, you can try to take some ideas or techs from mine and mix it into yours.
https://i.imgur.com/e31m4.jpgAs you can see I run Photon Thrasher x2 in my build, and one less of Rai-Oh and Barbaros.
Reasoning - Thrasher is a bawwws, he can get you a free SS with Warwolf, thus summoning two monsters without having to Normal yet, and with Skill Drain up, he can still SS from hand AND attack, and 2100 is still a nice number. I only see that Barbaros isn't as effective as Photon Thrasher when Skill Drain isn't up, and I think Rai-Oh x3 + Duality x3 clogs way to much.
I also don't Main Deck MST, because you don't really have to in this format, seeing as very few (actually competitive) decks main Decree, so instead I use Lance and Heavy. Lance is for some nice shrinking plays, to make it easier for my Horn monsters to get over things and get me a draw.
I also run Pot of Avarice because most, if not all, duels against meta decks will drag on far enough that you'll have trouble drawing into monsters, and it also puts Striker and other T.G.s back into your deck so you can search easier.
You will also see that I run 1 Solemn Warning..with no second one or a Judgment. Why? Skill Drain. You will most likely activate two, even three or each duel with the amount of backrow hate we have, so you'll get way to low on LP through Solemns and Skill Drain only if you have the entire Solemn Brigade.
I also run D-Prison, it's pretty self-explanatory, probably one of the biggest MVP's in this format.
And about the 41 cards, 41 is my magic number, works completely fine for me.
Anyways, tell me whatcha think.