1 Skill in YuGiOh Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:19 am
Utopia Legend
I enter alot of tournaments and you want to know the one thing i always find missing in most of them. The actual skill of playing this game. These days players that actually duel with skill stand no chance against the decks of these ages. Mainly because you cant get a hit on any duelist on DN using decks like them. If you think about it the YuGiOh world is falling down a steep slope of players that actually know how to play this game and have been playing it for years. With todays decks my brother who has never played a day in his life could easily hop on DN, netdeck I dont know lets say fire kings and BAM he wins like 8 straight and the only time he will lose is when he duels another deck like his. Not taking anything away from the player who everyone is net decking it from i mean in order to think of combos and a list like that you have some skill but i guess thats why everyone and there sister has your deck. Anyway when you enter a tournament what are they top 3 decks you see. I myself duel alot of FireFist/King decks and the occasional Elemental Dragon deck. Most of the time I do fine because i have certain decks that can counter them for the most part but alot of the time im stuck between a rock and a hard place. No one knows how to make there own decks these days. Ive grown so used to seeing the same decks on DN that ive thought about going to the suggestions box on the DN forums and saying why dont the admins just netdeck a bunch of tier one decks every format and just give people the option between them because in the end thats what happens to over half the players on there anyway. All of them are like i want to win at all costs but in my opinion a skilled win is alot better than a cheap win. I dueled this person about 10 minutes ago and the first question i asked them was what site did your deck come from and want to know the response i got. I got " Oh i got it from Shriek" i asked what shriek was and they explained it as an OCG deck site that has a bunch of OCG decklists already planned out and been tested. THIS WAS IN A DN TOURNY. At least this person could admit it was netdecked how many of you have asked where they got there obviously netdecked decks and gotten the response oh I built it. I call them out on it when i get that and i tell them that i dueled the exact list 2 matches ago because i probably did. The skill of players these days has dropped by tonssssss. I know everyone that reads this is going to be like hey i play with skill and that maybe but admit it everyone at least once has netdecked or gotten a skeleton from a deck i mean come on we are all curious and want that easy win i mean here i netdecked this one https://i.imgur.com/YaUkwcG.png. I never use this deck but still its netdecked but thats the only deck that is netdecked in my list. I have like 10 decks on DN. Its ok for ideas and stuff but when your taking the deck just to have a deck and win with it to my eyes its cheating but when they have the nerve to tell you they built it i mean hell i could post a deck up online and garuntee if it was good enough someone would take it ide duel it and theyd tell me they made it. The point is this game has been on a down fall ever since the beginning of the 5Ds era maybe the middle of it but still its only going to get worse from here. Heres my advice buckle up and prepare yourselves because ill tell you one thing this ride is only going to get worse and worse and we all ride it wheather it be for fun or competition we do it together so if we have to duel together please duel with skill and dont use someone elses deck. This is my weekly rant.