I suggest you to start over. First of all, choose a deck theme, and make it have a point. For example, my deck is an OTK RDD Darkness deck, an it focuses on sending as many Dark monsters to the graveyard to special summon RDD (Rainbow Dark Dragon, in case you don't know what that is) and tribute summon Darklord Zerato and use it's effect to clear out the enemy monster field to then be able to attack directly with a 4000 attack monster (RDD) and a 2800ATK monster (Zerato).
You can use google to find premade decks and get the names some cards you could use in the deck from those. After that, put in the cards you think are useful for the purpose of the deck, and that's it. If you want some fixes post it in the Deck Showcase and Workshop so people will be able to fix it for you. I don't think there's anything to do with this deck, since it's pretty random.