I disagree, Yugioh is flourishing right now and the game has never been healthier. The banlist made such few changes, yet it completely slowed the game down from the previous format, and we are now seeing a HECK of a lot of reprints on cards that were over $100, and we're halfway into the format and we still have no idea what the metagame is defined as. Well, there's a general idea, but nothing is set in stone like it was the last two formats.
Konami screwed the game over with the last two formats, and I think they realized that, and this time they've been making up for it. Top tier decks are now budget decks, with the release of the new tins and Abyss Rising, along with the Atlantean structure deck, all types of decks can be played this format, including synchro decks, which were completely phased out last format. Honestly, I think they're doing everything right.
A new type of card? That would be disastrous. The Extra deck is already packed full and tight for room, and we already have 5 different types of cards that can go in the main deck, not including the specifics(field spells, continuous spells/traps, monster hand traps). Complicating the game more will do nothing but make the game worse and even more competitive.
I'm not sure how people can still complain this format after all that's been happening. We're seeing Glad beasts, HEROs, GKs, Plant synchro, Six Sam, Karakuri, X-Sabers are viable, even psychics topping this format, and then all the newer top tier archtypes. Inzektors got 1st place at YCS even aftering getting hit so harshly, paying 2 DW players, 4 or 5 wind-ups, and even a macro-rabbit, so obviously player skill is a HUGE key factor this time around. Yet you guys want more? It's just like how people complain about broken top tier decks and say "this needs banned! it's too stupid!" then Konami bans it, and they still aren't happy cuz something else takes it place. There will always be broken cards, broken combos, etc., no matter what card game you play. Magic The Gathering has wayyy more derpy/OP card effects than Yugioh, and they don't even ban/limit cards. You should be thankful Konami at least regulates their game.