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1Make your own Anime/Manga Empty Make your own Anime/Manga Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:36 am


Make your own Anime/Manga:-
This is how you do it:-
1 You make an Anime or a Manga that is 10 volumes/episodes long.
2.You write a description for each episode.
3.Like real Animes/Manga's, add some edits that have bee made throughout both the Japanese and American versions.
4 Add some goofs that are noticed Very Happy.

You'll understand more, once you see this example:-

I'll be making a Manga:-
Title: Alchemist's journey
Volume 1:The beginning of the end:-
A well-known Alchemist named Yazan, travels around Liato in search for an element to complete a spellcaster's circle, but troubles occur when he meets a phony that is pretending to be an alchemist. Can Yazan stop him?
Edits:-No noticable edits
Goofs:-One side of the Spellcaster's Circle is missing

After achieving the element he gained from Yu in the last journey, he tries to make a forbidden move, which reserructs the dead. He need 500 tons of finalo Gold and 100 tons of coral silver. The plan fails and Yazan starts to bleed, he is taken to the hospital, where he finds that the owner is making money out of bribes. Can an injured Yazan stop him?
Edits:- The title itself is changed to show doom instead of death.
A cigar is changed to a toothpick.
The words carol and lofaito are switched to make gold seem harder to get.
Goofs:-No noticable goofs

Volume 3:-A Real Alchemiist:-
Yazan hitches a train and finds that an old childhood friend is on it. He figures out that his friend is against alchemy, and intends to destroy an alchemy workshop nearby the country he is reaching, Sombay. Yazan must sacrifice his friendship to stop him and finds out that someone has been controlling his friend, after he defeats him. Yazan must hunt down who was controlling him as he might be a threat

Edits:-The smoke after burning the shop is switching sides to fit the context
Goofs:-You could see smoke but there is no fire outside the building but when Yazan begins to clear the place there is alot of fire!

Volume 4:-For a friend
Yazan tries to help a friend get an A on atest but when people invade the mine he is working in it is up to Yazan, to stop them!
Edits:-Noticable edits
Goofs:- At one time you see a B instead of an A on his paper.

Volume 5:-Stop!
Yazan wants to go to back to Jordan to see how things are but on his way he encounters the friend he saw in volume 3 and see's that he has figured out who was controlling him, it was Yu from volume 1! Yazan must find out where he is and stop him before he commits his evil plan.
Edits:-The word "sh**" is replace by "dang"
The word "cra*" is changed to "man".
Goofs:-No noticable goofs

These ar the first five volumes, stay tuned to see the rest Very Happy.
Now its your turn to make your anime/manga Very Happy.

2Make your own Anime/Manga Empty Re: Make your own Anime/Manga Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:12 pm


Would be a pain in the *** to write all that. Why not try something where 1 person starts with a few sentences another continues and so on till we get our own story? Not many people have the patience to write such a long post.

3Make your own Anime/Manga Empty Re: Make your own Anime/Manga Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:53 pm


You could write as many volumes/episodes as you want and then complete the rest later.
You could write at least one and write the rest later.

4Make your own Anime/Manga Empty Re: Make your own Anime/Manga Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:09 am


Hell's Emissary
Hell's Emissary
Its more like a story. Try doing the role play

5Make your own Anime/Manga Empty Re: Make your own Anime/Manga Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:36 am

Crystal God

Crystal God
The role play needs to start up Again and we also need a New person to take control of it because the other guy is not active.

Episiode1-The start?
One day a young man (around the age of 15) named Ace McSatrun was having a regular day at high school.Ace was in his English class taking a test on the history of the letter Z.
Ace was already done with his test and then noticed a little boy with a blue balloon standing looking in the sky crying.Ace looks Again to see a 15 feet tall monster like thing.Ace tried to tell everyone what he saw but they just laughed at him. Not thinking Ace grabs a chair and thorws is at the window.Ace's Teacher then says "what is your promblem if you think you are going to land safe and sound out the window from the 5 floor then your crazy."Ace Didnt care the only thing on his mind was saving the little boy.All of Ace's classmates run to see if he landed Okay Ace only broke his arm and gave him a bloody head.Ace then runs towards the little yelling run away kid but the boy just stood there.The Monster let out a big roar and was right about to hit the boy but suddenly a group of people came and started to attack the monster with some high tech ray guns and swords.Ace was amazed to see this people take the monster down. The 15 foot monster fell and made the ground shake like it was a earthquake.Ace then ran up to the group of people for saving his life but with out knowing a man grabs Ace and makes a big smoke/foggy gas so that no one can see where they went.
To Be Continued.

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