1 Breaker + Creature Swap Combo Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:05 pm
An Oldy But a goody
Breaker the magical warrior
Creature Swap
It's pretty situational but when it go's off IT go's off for instance if your opp summons a monster he usually sets a backrow be it fake or real along with if you normal a breaker the opp is either forced to waste the out or just let it go if the off chance he lets the breaker go you can pop what ever backrow it maybe and then proceed to creature swap if the opp has a monster with less then 1900 attack you can first run that over with breaker and then do the combo if needed
Breaker the magical warrior
Creature Swap
It's pretty situational but when it go's off IT go's off for instance if your opp summons a monster he usually sets a backrow be it fake or real along with if you normal a breaker the opp is either forced to waste the out or just let it go if the off chance he lets the breaker go you can pop what ever backrow it maybe and then proceed to creature swap if the opp has a monster with less then 1900 attack you can first run that over with breaker and then do the combo if needed
Last edited by Implying on Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total